Hyperdermic Needle Theory

The theory states that an intended message is directly received and wholly accepted by the receiver. The model was originally rooted in 1930's behaviourism. The Hypodermic Theory suggests that viewers of media content are a passive audience who are powerless to resist the impact of the messages inside the media source. Thus that they do not have any influence on the messages coming out of these media sources; this is a lot like Action Theory, in the way that messages are portrayed and noted by the receiver of media. In a way it gets injected into audiences, hence why it is called the hypodermic needle model.
An example of a huge event supporting this model is from the year 1938 whereby people believed there was an alien invasion because the radio version of H.G. Wells "War of the World" was broadcasted across the world. As a result of this, it caused mass panics and anxiety as an estimated 1 million US citizens to believe an invasion was in fact underway.The nation was in a state of chaos, and this broadcast was the cause of it, portraying how certain people can believe media broadcasts even if they are not entirely true.
A more recent example of this theory is in football rumors and transfer speculation. Much of what the UK newspapers suggest are true due to some sources, in terms of player transfer speculation, end up being entirely untrue, but audiences believe what they hear or see, due to the reputation of such newspapers thus gaining publicity for the newspapers even with their false accusations and rumours.
This theory was first introduced in the early 1900's; the theory was an attempt to explain how the general public would react to mass media. Information passes to the audience without the audience really having to think about what the message really is. Therefore it can be applied to music videos, as stereotypes in videos may in turn lead to audiences having unrealistic ideologies and so making music videos may be exaggerated to gain more success as audiences enjoy to view.

The question is exactly how can we implement this strategy into our piece of work, for example the music video and the audiences standpoint on the subject. It can be foreshadowed by our colorful, vibrancy of effects to help build the image into the audience's head by introducing such effects that the audience can easily remember and automatically associate with our music video such as use of green-screen and characterization with the addition of the costumes. However, there is no main viewpoint or stance that we want to subtly persuade our audience into believing, our main intention as a group is to create an enjoyable music video that any audience member can feel the urge to watch or share with their friends thus building to our band's exposure and exposure of publicity. Due to the implementation of social media, the incorporation of YouTube can link to our justification of this video sharing website as it offers brilliant exposure due to the ease of sharing to the citizen's social media platforms as they are easily linked into them due to ease of logging into them.


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